Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Perfect Age for Photographs?

One of the most common questions I'm asked when people are booking their photo shoot is, "What's the perfect age to photograph a baby?" Well, most photographers will tell you there is no perfect age, and to an extent, I agree. BUT... there is this golden age of babyhood when they're sitting up solidly, but haven't mastered crawling yet. It's usually somewhere between six and nine months. They haven't lost that adorable chubby baby look, but they can sit still for a portrait. They are expressive, curious and beautiful. Last weekend I photographed two different six-month-olds -- here are a couple shots. A little natural light and a sweet baby smile just makes for a perfect photo.

Don't fret if you're reading this and your little one is much younger or way beyond this 'golden age.' Many people like to capture their newborn at an early stage. And toddlers' wild and wonderful personalities are picture-perfect!

Friday, December 12, 2008

This is what they call candid

Think your toddler can't sit still for a photo shoot? Sometimes I ask, "why try?"! I think the most beautiful pictures capture real life, real moments, and real energy. Take this three-year-old I photographed last weekend. Crazy energy! His dad is a yoga teacher and his mom is a long distance runner. Combine those two, add a little sugar, and just see for yourself...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Winter Green Scene

Believe it or not, I'm still doing outdoor photo shoots at my studio in Potomac. Most of my photo sessions these days have started out inside in front of the huge stone fireplace, and then eventually moved outside for a change of scenery. Even though it's soooooo cold outside, the property is still so green. It's almost all evergreens around there, and the pretty white gazebo shelters us so you can have an outdoor setting for a photo session in almost any weather. So as long as you can bear it, I'm always willing to go outside for your pictures! Plus, the kids look so cute and wintry all bundled up. :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

my budding photographer

this is so cute. my 2-year-old, sofi, has just taken an interest in my photo editing. i was working this morning and she sat right next to me and said, "i like that, mommy. let's make it black and white." what an eye!

Still time

Well, December is now upon us, and I'm busy getting family holiday photos done. There's still time for those of you who want to get a beautiful family portrait done and out the door before Christmas. I try so hard to get my clients' photos back to them quickly so they have plenty of time to print and share them, or of course order some professional prints from me.

I had the pleasure of photographing kids this past weekend that ranged in age from 5 weeks to 22 years! All in a day's work...

Friday, November 21, 2008

First blog post! I'm gearing up for a busy weekend of photo shoots, with a great variety in family dynamics. Everything from a maternity shoot at 33 weeks to a family of 4 kids. I love meeting my new families, but more than anything love seeing clients return -- the beautiful pregnant bellies turning into babies, babies turning into crazy little toddlers and toddlers into well behaved and newly-camera-shy kids. I have the best job in the world :)